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Automate sending email via Excel VBA
Enjoy several tutorials and articles for sending email via Excel VBA. You can be able to download some amazing tools as well for sending emails.
User Defined Functions in Excel
Didn't find a formula which you wish to have in Excel? Don't worry, create your own formula to use it in your excel sheets.
Excel VBA tutorial for Intermediate
Some amazing tutorials for intermediate level excel vba learners.
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Excel macro tutorials for beginners. Learn basics to start with your excel vba journey.
HP Quality Center - VBA Codes
Download and read so many amazing piece of vba codes in order to automation HP QC related tasks, reporting etc.
VBA Programming
Learn programming concepts related to Excel VBA with sample code and illustrative images. You will learn here about For Loop, While loop, Do While loop, If else, Switch, etc.
Databases - via Excel VBA
Want to connect to a Database via Excel VBA Code? Run any kind of query like Select, Update, Delete, Insert via Excel VBA? This series of articles will explain you in a very detailed manner.
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New to Excel Macro?
Are you new to Excel macro and willing to start learning? This is the right place for you to start with. A step-by-step tutorial for beginners.
Explore VBA & Macros
200+ Articles on Excel Macro/VBA for all kind of users – Beginners, Intermediate and experts. Explore the world of Excel VBA
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Repository of really useful and interesting tools and templates developed in Excel VBA. Download 20+ FREE tools and templates.
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Recommended Articles
Convert PDF Tables to Excel with VBA | Step-by-Step Guide
Convert PDF Tables to Excel with VBA | Step-by-Step Guide How to Convert PDF Tables to Excel Using Excel VBA (Macros)...
Excel Macro : Excel VBA code to Protect OR UnProtect Sheet
This is a small VBA code to help you in dealing with Protecting and UnProtecting the WorkSheet using Excel Macro....
Excel VBA – What is SPLIT Function?
plit is the hardest shot to hit in Bowling....
VBA: Reverse a string
It is very easy to get the Reverse of a string entered by user in Excel VBA by using VBA inbuilt functionality....