Results for "text"


How to Schedule a Task in Windows 7

How to Schedule a Task in Windows 7

This article is not related to Excel Macro. This is useful when you want to do some Job by excel Macro automatically. For example, if you want to send an Email Every Day automatically, without any manual intervention, then this task scheduling will come into the...

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Download Free : GTIN Calculator in Excel

Download Free : GTIN Calculator in Excel

Hello Friends, I have created one Excel Workbook which can calculate all types of GTIN. It calculates following types of GTINs: GTIN -8 GTIN -12 GTIN -13 GTIN -14 To know more about the GTIN Calculator and How to Calculate GTIN... Read this ArticleIf you want all GTIN...

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VBA Programming : Variables in VBA

VBA Programming : Variables in VBA

Just like other programming Languages, Excel VBA also uses different types of Variables. This Article teaches you the following Topics: 1. What is a Variable? 2. Importance of Variables in Excel Programming 3. Important Rules of Variables, you must know, before...

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Shortcut Keys in Microsoft Excel

Hello Friends, Here I am going to list down some useful Shortcut Keys. These keys are very useful in your day to day excel use. By making these shortcuts in practice you can do many of the things in Excel Easily. Key Description CTRL+( Unhides any hidden rows within...

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Macro to Copy from Excel in to Word Document

In Previous Article we saw how to Copy Content from a Word Document and Paste in in to the Active Workbook. Now in this Article i am going to write a function will Select a Range from Excel and paste the content in a New Word Document. Here there are two possible way...

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Download FREE Tools and Templates

There are many cool and useful excel tools and templates available to download for free. For most of the tools, you get the entire VBA code base too which you can look into it, play around it, and customize according to your need.

What is Excel Formula?

Excel Formula is one of the best feature in Microsoft Excel, which makes Excel a very very rich application. There are so many useful built-in formulas available in Excel, which makes our work easier in Excel. For all the automated work, Excel Macro is not required. There are so many automated things can be done by using simple formulas in Excel. Formulas are simple text (With a Syntax) which is entered in to the Excel Worksheet Cells. So how computer will recognize whether it is a formula or simple text? Answer is simple.. every formula in Excel starts with Equal Sign (=).

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