Results for "name"


Mail Chart as Image from Outlook – VBA Code

Mail Chart as Image from Outlook – VBA Code

In this article you will learn how to send a chart as picture using outlook from Excel Macro. As you know that in Outlook email, you can send an Image like a normal file attachment. In this case, receiver has to open the attachment to see the content. Since outlook...

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How to Send ActiveSheet as Attachment in mail

In previous article of Send Email Tutorial using Excel Macro, you learnt how to send current workbook as attachment in the email. In this Article you are going to learn how to send the ActiveSheet as an attachment in Email. The below function sends the active sheet as...

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How to Schedule a Task in Windows 7

How to Schedule a Task in Windows 7

This article is not related to Excel Macro. This is useful when you want to do some Job by excel Macro automatically. For example, if you want to send an Email Every Day automatically, without any manual intervention, then this task scheduling will come into the...

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Download FREE Tools and Templates

There are many cool and useful excel tools and templates available to download for free. For most of the tools, you get the entire VBA code base too which you can look into it, play around it, and customize according to your need.

What is Excel Formula?

Excel Formula is one of the best feature in Microsoft Excel, which makes Excel a very very rich application. There are so many useful built-in formulas available in Excel, which makes our work easier in Excel. For all the automated work, Excel Macro is not required. There are so many automated things can be done by using simple formulas in Excel. Formulas are simple text (With a Syntax) which is entered in to the Excel Worksheet Cells. So how computer will recognize whether it is a formula or simple text? Answer is simple.. every formula in Excel starts with Equal Sign (=).

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